
Under Display Camera Technologies

About us


Pixelens is a young deep-tech startup on a mission to make under-display cameras and imaging solutions a reality.


We believe that under-display cameras have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with our devices, and we are committed to developing the most advanced and innovative solutions on the market.


We are currently in the process of developing our first generation of under-display cameras.


We are confident that our solutions will exceed the expectations of our customers and we are excited to bring them to market.

Target Markets and Solutions


Pixelens is developing Under Display Camera technologies for the smartphone, mobile devices, Virtual Reality (VR), and desktop displays markets.


Additional applications include retail displays and advertising, as well as remote patient-care use-cases.


We partner with eco-system players and device vendors to deliver exceptional solutions with superior image quality.

Our Patent-pending Technology


Pixelens patent-pending technology delivers superior quality image. It is comprised of three parts that include optical element, image processing, and a neural-network. 


The combination of these three elements allows us to develop a unique under-display camera and imaging technology that produces superior image quality, even in challenging lighting conditions.


We are constantly working to improve our technology.


We are committed to developing the most advanced and innovative under-display cameras on the market. 


Our patent-pending optics are designed to allow light to pass through the display with minimal distortion of the image. This is achieved through a combination of lens architecture and geometry that are optimized for under-display cameras, while maintaining the use of standard materials and processes .

Image Processing

Our image processing algorithms are used to further improve the quality of the image by reducing noise and artifacts. They also perform pre-processing tasks for the neural network, while keeping in mind the limited resources available on a mobile computing device.


Our neural network is used to eliminate the specific noise patterns, unique to each display type, that are generated during under-display imaging. Our NN further enhance the image quality by applying a selected class of NN particularly apt at handling this type of noise, as well as improve the dynamic range, color accuracy, and sharpness of the image.


Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.